Changes in Ecosystems

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There are many different factors that contribute to both good and bad changes in ecosystems.  Some examples to think about are:

  • Beavers build dams and affect the flow of water through forests which effects fish and a drinking source for other species that live in the forest.
  • Earthworms burrow under the ground and therefore loosen soil that can cause erosion.  However, the burrows also serve as a canal for nutrients to reach the roots of plants and vegetation.
  • People cut down trees, which can cause erosion and eliminate habitats for forest creatures.  But what if the trees are diseased and are harmful to the rest of the forest?
                                        Why are forests being cleared?

  • People drive Recreational Vehicles (RV's) into National Parks.  Some say the exhaust fumes and leaking oil/gas can be harmful to animals.
  • When people came to the U.S. from other countries, they oftentimes brought animals over with them.  Sometimes these animals had diseases that caused outbreaks and death to the people who lived here.
  • When people came to the U.S. from other countries, they oftentimes brought over plants with them.  These non-native plants (called indigenous plants) used up soil and water that native plants needed.  Sometimes native plants were "pushed out" of the area and sometimes became extinct.
  • Sometimes man creates man-made disasters that can negatively affect our ecosystems.

Below are two stories that will help you think about various changes that affect ecosystems.  Click on the images below to view each ebook.